April 7, 2016


April 7, 2016
Office of Congressman Seth Moulton
21 Front Street
Salem, MA 01970

Dear Congressman Moulton
I write as a concerned citizen regarding the current inaction toward signing the Transgender Public Accommodations Bill(S735, H1577) into Massachusetts legislation. As a student of social work, I have a vested interest in the well being of all members of our society. Additionally, I have gained pertinent knowledge and insight into the struggles oppressed and marginalized groups face. Transgender folk face numerous obstacles while integrating into mainstream society; the denial of this bill’s protections and rights should NOT be one of them.
This bill, which seeks to expand legal anti-discrimination protections for gay and transgender people by including public accommodations such as restaurants, lodging and restrooms, MUST BE PASSED. Discrimination is wrong, and it is an outrage that the dignity and safety of a person is being disregarded simply because of the failure to enact legal protections - protections that should exist for EVERY person regardless of their identity.
According to the 2011 National Transgender Discrimination Survey, 41 percent of transgender participants (2,644 out of 6,450) had attempted to take their own lives. Sexual assault was the biggest cause, followed by physical assault, harassment in school, and job loss due to bias. You can view the summary of this report yourself here: http://endtransdiscrimination.org/PDFs/NTDS_Exec_Summary.pdf
I am disappointed in Governor Charlie Baker’s lack of support for the transgender community by ignoring S735, H1577, and I urge my state representative to take action. Let the transgender community know that you care about their well being, protect this vulnerable group, and send a message that you support non-discrimination by backing this bill. The time is now.


Holly Little Van Straaten

1 comment:

  1. http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/davidbadash/breaking_massachusetts_passes_transgender_protections_bill
